Health tips
Why fasting?
Do you feel... tired, exhausted, listless, or unmotivated? Very few people today feel at ease and efficient all the time. This fasting formula is often used to detoxify, lose weight and promote overall wellbeing. This fasting method combines avoiding solid foods with increased hydration in the form of water, herbal teas, and vegetable broths. As a result, the body undergoes hunger metabolism, which leads to various physiological changes, including the mobilization of energy reserves and the detoxification of the organism. Through these processes, Buchinger therapeutic fasting can help regenerate the body, strengthen the immune system and raise awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

Our lifestyle, often characterized by an unbalanced diet and lack of exercise, leads from mental disorders to serious illnesses such as increased blood lipids, high blood pressure or gout. The body “slags” through metabolic intermediates such as cholesterol, uric acid, but also protein compounds. “Cellulite” or arteriosclerosis are well-known examples of this.
Fasting is voluntary abstinence from solid foods and beverages for a limited period of time. By fasting for a longer period of time and exercising in fresh air, you can self Do a lot for your health. You can support this detoxification process in a variety of ways, e.g. by drinking, clay baths, bowel cleansing, etc.
With regular therapeutic fasting over a longer period of time, scientists have been able to prove that existing complaints and illnesses have improved and could even be treated sustainably.