With the experience of our doctors, we promote personal health competence — for a lifestyle that gives us time to breathe deeply.
Symptome von Burn-out
Stress im Beruf, Anforderungen der Familie, ständige Erreichbarkeit – der Alltag kann sehr belastend sein. Man fühlt sich unentbehrlich, kann nicht mehr Nein sagen und hat das Gefühl, jede Aufgabe perfekt lösen zu müssen. Es entsteht ein ständiger Druck und die Bewältigung des Alltags wird zu einer Hürde.
Wer die Anzeichen erkennt, sollte auf die Signale seines Körpers hören und Zeit für sich selbst nehmen. Unsere Ärzte Dr. Matthias Menschel und Dr. Gudrun Herzel haben ein innovatives Präventions- und Behandlungsprogramm für Patienten mit Erschöpfungszuständen entwickelt. Das sogenannte Medical Wellness verbindet Medizin und Erholung in einem einzigartigen Paket.
Common questions
What do the treatments at Menschels Vitalresort look like?
With our specialist staff, you can train your resistance to excessive demands like a muscle. With a healthy mix of exercise, time management, lifestyle optimization and deceleration, we work with you to develop efficient coping strategies. To do this, we strengthen your self-help skills, which prevents relapses and paves the way to mental harmony.
What are burnout symptoms?
The signs of burnout are varied, which makes diagnosis difficult. Therefore, longer-lasting symptoms should be taken seriously and treated. These include reduced resilience and performance, emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue and sleep disorders, as well as vegetative disorders such as dizziness or cardiovascular problems. Irritability and depressed mood are also signs of exhaustion.
How do I react when there are signs?
A conscious break and a break from everyday life is the first step towards alleviating symptoms. Located in the idyllic Naheland region, the Menschels Vitalresort offers the ideal environment to take a deep breath and recharge your batteries. Our doctors will advise you on the path to a new life that is characterized by the balance between everyday tasks and regeneration.
Being a human in a human
Careful research. Personal advice. An individual vitality plan. The doctors at our Vitalresort practice take their time and provide you with holistic care. Whether prevention, therapy or lifestyle optimization — we are here for you with all our experience. At MENSCHELS, this also includes an innovative prevention and treatment program specifically for burn-out patients and premium check-ups to reduce individual risks.
Burn-out prevention in humans
“Back to life — against burn-out” is designed to meet your needs. Developed by our doctors Dr. Matthias Menschel and Dr. Gudrun Herzel, the combination of specialist advice and relaxation methods such as massages or vitamin infusions gives you the time you need to take a breath. Discover our various offers: