Health tips
Give the body time
Precisely because stressful everyday life consumes more and more, the organism needs time to even switch to recovery and start internal reconstruction. Felke therapy for prevention and relaxation may be shorter than for intensive regeneration and treatment of symptoms. In this case, we recommend at least two Felke weeks for sustainable success.
Experience intensive treatments with the four Felke elements light, air, water and clay combined with lots of exercise and a healthy (fasting) diet for a highly energetic body feeling.
The doctors at the Vitalresort practice have time for you and provide you with detailed advice. After a detailed anamnesis and careful examination, your personal vital plan will be developed in the initial consultation with your attending physician. We advise you on lifestyle optimization issues and, following scientifically based performance monitoring, develop your individual training program — competent prevention for greater vitality, quality of life and well-being. Your therapy and prevention concept also provides impetus for health-conscious personal responsibility in everyday life. Our goal for you is to identify health changes at a very early stage, to counteract existing risks and to initiate efficient health care.
We focus on naturopathic treatments such as nutrition and exercise therapy, acupuncture, infusion therapy, autohemotherapy, UV irradiation of the blood and phytotherapy. If necessary, naturopathic methods are combined with conventional medicine applications.