2023 - Menschel's 95th anniversary
2023 was a wonderful, eventful year for us, in which we were able to welcome numerous guests. Especially in the year of our 95th anniversary, we are particularly pleased about this.

In 1928, Alfons and Johanna Menschel laid the foundation, and the 2nd generation successfully built on it.
Hanna and Dr. Thea Menschel have been in well-deserved retirement for many years, while Günther and Monika Menschel are still providing advice and assistance to the 3rd generation, which is continuously developing the holistic concept of medical wellness.
The 4th Generation Is Growing Up
We are also confident about the future of the family. Fabian is studying industrial engineering in Karlsruhe, Elias is completing his federal voluntary service as a paramedic and is hoping for a medical degree in 2024, Anna has successfully completed her training as a hotel specialist, Leoni and Nils have passed their Abitur and worked in the catering industry in Crete for a few months.
The weather also played a part in the anniversary year. The warm and very sunny summer offered perfect conditions for enjoying Felke's natural healing elements. Whether it was a morning sitting bath, outdoor clay baths, cooling off in a natural swimming pond or an air bath under huge treetops — the Vitalresort Park was a unique invitation to do good for your health.
The longed-for rainfall in August then left nature green once again and gave it strength for a wonderful “Indian summer”: golden yellow vineyards, red-hot forests and the spicy-fresh air invited to autumn tours on premium hiking trails and
Extensive cycle paths in the Nahe Valley. Vitalresort guests were also happy to do it together with our experienced hiking guides.

Highlights 2023
Like the Healing and Active Forest, the Barefoot Trail, the Open-Air Museum and the Disibodenberg Monastery Ruins, the
Mattheiser Sommerakademie is a tourist highlight in the region. It took place for the 18th time this year. With an international cast, professors and master students, the festival once again delighted music lovers from near and far for 14 days and transformed Felkestadt into a stronghold of classical music.
Menschels Specials — a booster for your wellbeing
In recent years, our intensive theme specials lasting several days have been very popular. Thanks to our experienced group leaders, most of whom have worked for the Vitalresort for many years, we are able to guarantee continuity and consistently high quality.
Whether qigong, Feldenkrais, yoga or fasting hiking — the offers were booked with great enthusiasm in 2023.
New in 2023: the Felke healing and active forest
Since autumn, our guests have been able to travel to Bad Sobernheim's medicinal and active forest. It incorporates Felke's Ideas and offers a wide range of opportunities for forest bathing and meditation or for being active while climbing, balancing and floating on three circular trails. Even with a walker or wheelchair, you can experience part of this very special forest on a barrier-free path.
Development is also continuing at the resort: After the end of the season, work began at the beginning of December to redesign the reception. Most of them were completed by the Christmas holidays and we are really looking forward to surprising you with the new entrance when you check in.